Home > 2011, A. G. Vanakaras, Paper, V. Yannopapas > Layer-multiple-scattering theory for metamaterials made from clusters of nanoparticles

Layer-multiple-scattering theory for metamaterials made from clusters of nanoparticles

August 26th, 2011

V. Yannopapas and A. G. Vanakaras, Phys. Rev. B, 84, 085119 (2011).

We present a layer-multiple-scattering method of electromagnetic waves for the study of periodic metamaterials formed as a lattice of cavities which are filled by clusters of spherical nanoparticles. Our approach is a three-stage process where we take fully into account all the multiple-scattering events involved: (a) among the spheres of the cluster inside the cavity, (b) between the cluster and the cavity, and (c) among the cavities (containing the clusters) within the metamaterial. As an example, we study the transmission, reflectance, and absorbance spectra of light incident on a finite slab of a $SiO_2$-inverted opal whose voids contain clusters of gold nanoparticles. We find, in particular, that finite slabs of this metamaterial act as highly efficient absorbers over a wide frequency range, from 2–4.5 eV. Also, around the local maxima of the absorbance spectrum, the metamaterial exhibits anomalous dispersion, wherein the real part of the group velocity is opposite to (the real part of) the phase velocity. ©2011 American Physical Society

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.085119
PACS: 42.70.Qs, 42.25.Bs, 42.50.Gy, 78.67.Pt
Categories: 2011, A. G. Vanakaras, Paper, V. Yannopapas Tags:
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