Stavros D.Peroukidis
Personal Information
Name: Stavros D. Peroukidis
Nationality: Greek
Date of Birth: 18 September 1976
Sex: Male
Address: Department of Materials Science, University of Patras, Patras, 26500, Greece
2000: Diploma in Physics, Department of Physics, University of Patras, Greece .
2002: M.Sc. in Science and Technology of Polymers, Interdepartmental Programme of Postgraduate studies: Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, Greece.
M.Sc. Thesis: “Monte–Carlo molecular simulations of the liquid crystalline behaviour of modeled n-paraphenylenes”. Supervisor: Prof. D. J. Photinos.
2006: Ph.D. in Science and Technology of Polymers, Interdepartmental Programme of Postgraduate studies, University of Patras, Greece.
Ph.D. Thesis: “Molecular modelling of the supramolecular organisation of fullerene containing liquid crystals”. Supervisor: Prof. D. J. Photinos.
Fields of Research and Expertise:
Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Soft Matter with emphasis in liquid crystalline materials. Molecular theories; Landau-De Gennes phenomenological theories; Monte Carlo simulations in various thermodynamic ensembles.
Molecular modelling of low molar mass Liquid Crystals (LC), Liquid Crystalline Dendrimers and Colloids: phase behaviour, molecular organisation and microphase separation, demixing transitions, hierarchical domain structures.
Large scale numerical calculations and algorithms for use on parallel machines.
Research experience:
2008- : Postdoctoral fellow in the group of Prof. D. J. Photinos, Department of Materials Science, University of Patras.
2002-2006: Ph.D. fellow, Department of Materials Science, University of Patras.
2002: Postgraduate researcher in the group of Prof. George Jackson, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College, London, UK.
2000-2002: M.Sc. fellow, Department of Materials Science, University of Patras.
Current participation in EU-funded research projects:
-Biaxial Nematic Devices (BIND), EU-FP7 /ICT/STREP-CP #216025: Postdoctoral Researcher (5/2008- ).
-Functional LC Dendrimers: Synthesis of New Materials, Resource for New Applications (DENDREAMERS), Marie Curie Actions, EU-FP7-PEOPLE-ITN#215884: member of the University of Patras research group (10/2008- ).
Participation in previously funded research projects:
-EU TMR Network: “Molecular design of functional liquid crystals.” (EC‐TMR FMRX‐CT97‐0121): Short appointment as postgraduate researcher (9/2002-10/2002).
-“Molecular modelling of the supramolecular organisation of fullerene containing liquid crystals” European Social Fund (ESF), Operational Programme for Educational and Vocational Training II (EPEAEK II)/Greek Ministry of National Education programme “Heraclitos”: Ph.D. fellowship (11/2002-10/2005).
-“Study of nanostructure particles in liquid crystals and polymeric melts” Scientific programme through Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology (PENED 99): postgraduate fellowship (04/2000-07/2001).
-“Theory and molecular simulations of novel liquid crystalline mesophases”, “K. Karatheodori” funded by the University of Patras: postgraduate fellowship (02/2006-08/2006).
-“Molecular simulation of liquid crystalline dendrimers”, “K. Karatheodori” funded by the University of Patras: postgraduate fellowship (10/2001-12/2001).
Teaching: Informatics I (lab), Informatics II (lab) (2001, 2002, 2003)
Department of Materials Science, University of Patras, Greece.
Referee for the Journal of Materials Chemistry (RsC)
[6] Molecular simulation of hierarchical structures in bent-core nematic liquid crystals, S. D. Peroukidis, A. G. Vanakaras and D. J. Photinos, Phys. Rev. E, 84, 010702 (R) (2011).
[5] Liquid crystalline phases and demixing in binary mixtures of shape-anisometric colloids (Themed Issue on Modelling of Materials), S. D. Peroukidis, A. G. Vanakaras and D. J. Photinos, J. Mater. Chem., 20, 10495-10502 (2010).
[4] Biaxial nematics: symmetries, order domains and field-induced phase transitions, (Invited Article), S. D. Peroukidis, P. K. Karahaliou, A. G. Vanakaras and D. J. Photinos, Liq. Cryst., 36, 727–737 (2009).
[3] Molecular modeling of liquid crystalline self-organization of fullerodendrimers: columnar to lamellar phase transitions driven by temperature and/or concentration changes, S. D. Peroukidis, A. G. Vanakaras and D. J. Photinos, J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 12761-12767 (2008).
[2] Self-organisation of fullerene-containing conical supermesogens, S. D. Peroukidis, A. G. Vanakaras and D. J. Photinos, Soft Matter, 4, 493-499 (2008).
[1] A simple theory of molecular organization in fullerene-containing liquid crystals, S. D. Peroukidis, A. G. Vanakaras and D. J. Photinos, J. Chem. Phys., 123, 164904 (2005). (Selected for the November 7, 2005 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology).
Selected invited lectures and oral presentations at international conferences
[1] Hierarchical domain structures in nematics, S. Droulias, S. D. Peroukidis, A. G. Vanakaras and D. J. Photinos, 23th International Liquid Crystal Conference, 11‐16 July, Krakow, Poland (2010). (Invited lecture)
[2] Biaxial Nematics: their possible symmetries and domain structure, S. D. Peroukidis, P. K. Karahaliou, A. G. Vanakaras and D. J. Photinos, 10th European Conference on Liquid Crystals (ECLC09), 19‐24 April, Colmar, France (2009). (Invited lecture)
[3] Theory and simulations of the molecular organisation of fullerene containing supermesogens, S. D. Peroukidis, A. G. Vanakaras and D. J. Photinos Euro‐Conference On Dendrimer Soft Self Assembly Systems (DENSOM), Strasbourg, France, 17‐20 May, 2006. (Oral presentation)
I have contributed to 8 invited lectures and oral presentations at (6) international and national conferences over the last 4 years.